Monday, February 9, 2009

Well, Shel, there is something about Feb. 9th. We're sitting in the hospital as I type on Nancy's computer. Nancy, Janet, Sandy and I were having lunch when Jerry called and said he had another dizzy spell and was going to have Tom take him to Dr. Hile's. He did a EKG and his heart rate was 166. He said to get him right to the hospital. It was still high up here, but gave him some dixotoxin(sp) and it went down the second EKG up here was back to perfect. So...they're going to do an ultrasound of his heart and an angigram tomorrow to see if there is any blockage. He's feeling good right now. He had a spell like this around thanksgiving. So...I'll keep you all updated.   So glad your baby pics look good Shel & James. Take it easy. 

1 comment:

james and michele said...

oh susie. hate to read this. we'll be praying for jerry, and all of you. keep us updated! love from georgia.